At Checkerboard, we have assembled a great team of people with varying special strengths, and by...
Evan Hanson
Read Evan's articles below.
What’s the deal with spam?
When someone says Spam, people generally think about the whole product pictured above. When we...
Shearing Alpaca with the power of Google
Google has really helped shape the way we do things in the last 10 years. We have a sea of...
We’re All Going Google!
It's no secret that Checkerboard loves Google. Well, it seems that the love has spread to our...
Checkerboard Hearts Bikes
Note from the author: Biking is a passion of mine and I thought that I should share my passion...
Why the new look?
We've been around for a while, designing websites and marketing strategies for over 15 years....
One of our designers dyed last weekend.
May 4th, 2013: the day that I dyed. If you are reading this right now, then that means that I...
Our Newest Member: Alicia
Checkerboard's been all about "New" recently, it seems. I mean we've got a new website and a new...